Inizia bene il 2009 MELITESE: Scambia 6, De Leo 6 (35°st. Marra sv.), Minicucci 6, Pulitanò 6, Rustico 7, Mandalari 6, Lori 7, Foti Giovanni 7, Marino 9, Foti Giuseppe 8, Romeo 6 (26°st. Nunnari sv.). In panchina: Minniti, Canale, Sgrò, Manti, Foti D. Allenatore: Pippo Laface 8. ARBITRO: Rulli di Locri 7 (Manco e Carlizzi di Vibo Valentia).
MARCATORI: Marino (M) al 23°pt. - Bracco (P) al 17°st. - Godmer (P) al 33°st.
NOTE: Pomeriggio piovoso e freddo. Temperatura attorno ai 9 gradi. Spettatori 500 circa. Ammoniti: Cordova, Fiorino Bartolomeo Perna della Palmese. Foti Giovanni, Lori, Marino, Scambia e Minicucci della Melitese. Calci d'angolo 5 a 4 a favore della Melitese. Recupero: 2 e 5.
PALMI - Ma che bella Befana per la Palmese. Di forza, di rabbia, ed alla fine di gran carattere proprio come il dna del popolo neroverde. Vittoria doveva essere è vittoria è stata per i ragazzi di Peppe Mourinho Carella che scacciano via la crisi (di risultati e non di gioco come alla fine dichiara Carella) e ritornano a conquistare punti preziosi in view of half of the season and all to enjoy the full Palmese in the fight for the D series away for 21 years.
They needed the win to forget the three consecutive Scoppola suffered late last year. Recover urgently needed to understand what this pasta is made neroverde freshman. All this came true in front of your audience. On the clay soil of the glorious "Lopresti" bogged down with rain falling throughout the race.
Three important points against a very good team, coached by another freshman Melitese that fox Pippo Laface that Palm has really played a great game by putting the strings of the neroverdi Piana for the entire first half and "risking" to deal more times the hit of the KAPPAO Palmese.
Melitese good in the first half and ten minutes of recovery. Marino has done a great goal and creating havoc by tapping three times the doubling. A Palmese apathy and their leaders completely absent until the resumption when Mr. Carey made the difference by placing first and then Bartolomeo and Maisano Godmer completely changing attitude to his team at that point he started to play.
Chronicle: The game is just beautiful of the puddle of "Lopresti. 22 players physically and technically strong. A battle, always loyal, lasting the full 90 minutes. Start your Melitese that takes hold of the midfield. Mainly Marino, John Foti, Romeo and Rustico they see what they are made. At the 20th gialloneri to touch the net with great funanbolico Marino undertakes strictly Scarriglia you save. I'm just testing to get the advantage three minutes later with the number nine always Marino beating the goalkeeper with a masterful neroverde punishment that is shaped and lower edge of the pole. The Palmese is stunned and unable to react. Does not sting even the bomber, and so the forint Melitese advantage and still touches the net with Foti and Marino. The recovery is completely different register with Carey that changes everything and after a quarter of an hour begins neroverde levied. Panuccio try to beat Swap with a lob that hit the crossbar. The ball is now back on the field and tap-in arm casts Saso witches. Palmese insists even if the blow by blow replies Melitese often putting difficulties in the rear neroverde. Marino eludes the defense more often and then neroverde aMaisano. It seems that the draw is the end result and instead angrily Palmese will catapult forward also because the radios get the advantage of first class. Log Godmer and after a minute the French espodere the audience of "Lopresti: 33rd when John Bartholomew from the left and take out two players melitesi Godmer closes the triangle. Bartholomew ball more in that first raises his head and puts the ball going in the middle where Godmer and Bracco are undisturbed, and after a friendly between the two eyes, kick your skirts Godmer thus achieving his first goal with the first team jersey neroverde. Two to one and Melitese trying all out with Pippo Marra Laface that enters without any outcome.
wins Palmese Melitese but in no way forfeited. Sunday we will travel to nearby Tauranga for a derby anything to go by and certainly exciting with the old lady of football Plains intends to achieve the command of Excellence.
Siegfried Parrello Rank PRAIA
Sambiase 33 32 31
Palmes 30
27 ACRES 25
SCALEA 24 23 22
ROCCELLA 22 21 20
6 C. 5 Vatican