Simplicio: Roma Scudetto? The goal is not shaded Il brasiliano crede ancora in una nuova rimonta giallorossa: «Ci sono ancora tante partite a cominciare da quella contro il Napoli. Dobbiamo affrontarla con tutta la grinta e la serenità che abbiamo. Cercheremo di portare a casa i tre punti che per noi sarebbero importantissimi».
ROME, Feb. 9 - Fabio Simplicio refuses to give up the dream. The championship is still possible, the run-up to AC Milan should not be a chimera. The Brazilian midfielder warmer environment giallorosso a few days after the match against Napoli and Mazzarri Cavani: "For us the match against the Blues is an important game we have to deal with all the determination and serenity that we have. We will try to bring home the three points that would be important. Abandon the dream shield? No definitely not. The goal still is not blurred because there are still many challenges to play. You can recover, we see. About leverei to Naples? I say no, the important thing is to beat them. There are so many important players in their team, but beat them all in the field would be even more beautiful ".
PROBLEMS IN DEFENCE - For Ranieri there will be many issues in defense but Simplicio is not worried about the lack of Mexes and Burdisso: "I trust the players we have in the team. We have players with significant potential, which can decide the game. It will be a big game, from lots of emotions, we hope that those who come to the stage will enjoy "
ON SALE OF CLUB - In closing the former midfielder Palermo allows himself a joke about the sale of the club, which in these days is going through important moments: "I am calm, I just have to thank Rosella Sensi."