C'e' una signora ferma in stazione, in attesa del treno. Per terra ha una borsa che tutt'a un tratto, stranamente, si mette a muovere e tremare... di colpo esce un tipo strano, alto piu' o meno un metro, vestito da Napoleone Bonaparte, che si mette a saltellare tra i binari dirigendo il traffico ferroviario orders with dry, high-sounding French, almost as if he were in Waterloo ... A lady who had witnessed aghast at the scene, curious approaches to the owner of the bag and asked for an explanation ... I mean, when she was told that was all result of a magic lamp, a legacy 'from an old aunt, at first hardly' believe it but then, between dreaming and disbelief, she wanted to try it at all costs, in order to fulfill the dream of his life . Then ordered the lamp from the owner of that strange being dressed as Napoleon, the rub 'and eagerly BUM !!!.... suddenly appeared a huge pool table in the middle of the station. She, even more 'incredulous and angry, he turned to the mistress of magic lamdapa ... dicendole: "Ma io non volevo un Biliardo!!! Ma un Miliardoooooo!!!!!".La proprietaria rispose sconsolata: "e secondo lei io volevo un Pazzo di un metro?!?!?!?!?"
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