Anglophone science fiction is not is poorly understood: partly for reasons of long-standing habit, partly because the gap quantitatively the floods and collapses, and then some because sometimes all arrived in bulk, so unless Stanislaw Lem, the authors of most importance and interest
names are fairly obscure, but the film Stalker , taken from one of their books, may have given qualche notorietà ad Arkadij e Boris Strugatskij, i principali scrittori russi di sf nella seconda metà del XX secolo, e tra i principali del campo.
Utopisti che crearono via via distopie dove la speranza era sempre meno
presente: i fratelli Strugatskij volevano credere nelle umane sorti e
progressive, ma non hanno mai chiuso gli occhi di fronte alla realtà degli
uomini (e del paese dove vivevano). Tentativo di fuga è un breve romanzo (non un romanzo breve), ancora acerbo e segnato dalle ingenuità della loro prima produzione,
names are fairly obscure, but the film Stalker , taken from one of their books, may have given qualche notorietà ad Arkadij e Boris Strugatskij, i principali scrittori russi di sf nella seconda metà del XX secolo, e tra i principali del campo.
Utopisti che crearono via via distopie dove la speranza era sempre meno
presente: i fratelli Strugatskij volevano credere nelle umane sorti e
progressive, ma non hanno mai chiuso gli occhi di fronte alla realtà degli
uomini (e del paese dove vivevano). Tentativo di fuga è un breve romanzo (non un romanzo breve), ancora acerbo e segnato dalle ingenuità della loro prima produzione,
ma che ben mostra gli sviluppi futuri della loro narrativa, l'approfondirsi e il problematizzarsi of their reflection on human history.
Arkady, right, and Boris
granted the innocence of which I said, it remains a strong history of philosophical influences on human nature. The three main characters are still rigid and lacking a real
authenticity, and yet in the course of the narrative, the authors seem
get carried away with them and greater confidence in their character
leaving finally see the true personalities behind the function
assign them. What starts as a banal classic adventure
planetary exploration will turn into a heated debate between ethical
three - Saul, and Vadim Anton.
authenticity, and yet in the course of the narrative, the authors seem
get carried away with them and greater confidence in their character
leaving finally see the true personalities behind the function
assign them. What starts as a banal classic adventure
planetary exploration will turn into a heated debate between ethical
three - Saul, and Vadim Anton.
on the planet, renamed in honor of Saul mysterious co-star, they discover a humanoid civilization whose social organization is the level of an ignorant and brutal feudalism. Anton Vadim and made from the earth in a few centuries, now at peace: a land of utopia, happiness achieved and realized aspirations. Saul, you will find, from "our" assorted human devastation of the twentieth century. The utopian happiness from which Anton Vadim and is almost certainly a socialist utopia, but since this novel you can see
Strugatskij the critical position that will develop with regard to official development unstoppable vision of human progress under the wing of socialism: the strong elements of satire in their works from the late 60s they will not be well seen, and hence the thinning of their production and further deepen their reflection
. Faced with the situation of the inhabitants of the planet, and Anton Vadim react differently, but united by a crucial, their personal history, their membership (membership ideological "?) utopia makes them unable to understand the real situation. And above all well-intentioned interventionism Vadim looks like a wave of illusion, stupidity and total lack of understanding. The tension of philanthropic Strugatskij not close its eyes to evidence of the human condition, and acknowledges the difficulties of social progress and the dangers of ignorance - ignorance of the profound social and psychological mechanisms of human social organizations. But even the man from our own time and therefore aware of these mechanisms, Saul, can offer answers. Can make in reality only the conscience, or rather the belief that history must run its course and can not be forced, but for this to end gonna fall apart, or more precisely have an explosion of uncontrolled fury: her " attempt to escape "from the bloody past will be resolved in the meeting with this as a bloodthirsty, and will result in the decision to go back. Who knows, perhaps to follow the story run its course. For, as saying It 's a pity, a pity that we can not be removed with one stroke all the stupidity and cruelty, without destroying the man : an evolutionary and not revolutionary concept, which Saul put in place after going to pieces at the moment, returning to his own time to help put their brick along the arduous road for the elimination of stupidity and cruelty. In their schematic, Saul, and Vadim have Anton as I said the flashes of authenticity: the two authors are far from the Russian literary tradition of fasting and will clearly show in the following years, the novel has a quiet pace unknown to Anglo-Saxon fiction, but the realism with which Strugatskij describe the "banality" of the miserable condition as spiritual leaders, the people of Saul knows how to excite, not least to reflect who fails to address the most superficial reading.
Strugatskij the critical position that will develop with regard to official development unstoppable vision of human progress under the wing of socialism: the strong elements of satire in their works from the late 60s they will not be well seen, and hence the thinning of their production and further deepen their reflection
. Faced with the situation of the inhabitants of the planet, and Anton Vadim react differently, but united by a crucial, their personal history, their membership (membership ideological "?) utopia makes them unable to understand the real situation. And above all well-intentioned interventionism Vadim looks like a wave of illusion, stupidity and total lack of understanding. The tension of philanthropic Strugatskij not close its eyes to evidence of the human condition, and acknowledges the difficulties of social progress and the dangers of ignorance - ignorance of the profound social and psychological mechanisms of human social organizations. But even the man from our own time and therefore aware of these mechanisms, Saul, can offer answers. Can make in reality only the conscience, or rather the belief that history must run its course and can not be forced, but for this to end gonna fall apart, or more precisely have an explosion of uncontrolled fury: her " attempt to escape "from the bloody past will be resolved in the meeting with this as a bloodthirsty, and will result in the decision to go back. Who knows, perhaps to follow the story run its course. For, as saying It 's a pity, a pity that we can not be removed with one stroke all the stupidity and cruelty, without destroying the man : an evolutionary and not revolutionary concept, which Saul put in place after going to pieces at the moment, returning to his own time to help put their brick along the arduous road for the elimination of stupidity and cruelty. In their schematic, Saul, and Vadim have Anton as I said the flashes of authenticity: the two authors are far from the Russian literary tradition of fasting and will clearly show in the following years, the novel has a quiet pace unknown to Anglo-Saxon fiction, but the realism with which Strugatskij describe the "banality" of the miserable condition as spiritual leaders, the people of Saul knows how to excite, not least to reflect who fails to address the most superficial reading.
The novel was published in 1988 in the series Albatros Publishers
Treatment Centers - along with a more recent novel Russian brothers,
The hive beetle in , which gives the title to the volume - in a translation
more updated than the first Italian publication, 1966,
the first issue of "Soviet Science Fiction" in the title Escape
future. The title of the second edition, however, is more subtly centrato e
rende giustizia al contenuto del romanzo.
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