Rome, Americans are ready to close
P roseguono indefinitely meetings in New York. The bank consortium together with the U.S. studies the solution to get the toast. The manager of Unicredit have canceled the return flight to Italy to clarify the details of understanding: DiBenedetto, solution appreciated.
TORINO, January 27 - This is a vengeance. Managers Unicredit, Paolo Fiorentino and Piergiorgio Peluso, accompanied Advocate Hats have canceled the return flight to Italy from New York party last night and continued the meeting with representatives of the consortium River American, identified by the bank as the best solution for dispose of Rome. The lawyers of the parties are writing the points of a memorandum which will then be turned into agreement. You work in a cartel, in which points to focus on being the involvement of the bank in future corporate structure. Unicredit will do its part, remains to be determined how and to what extent. He worked on a hypothesis of gradual sale of stakes. If the steps are included in the draft met the American people will have the green light.
ROPE - Meanwhile embodies the American consortium headed by the owner of the Boston Red Sox, Thomas R. DiBenedetto. On the entrepreneur side of Italian origin, born in 1950, married and father of five children, there would be four other investors: the chairman of the insurance company Succession Capital Alliance, Julian Movsesian, the property developer Michael A. Ruane (Ta Associates Realty) and Arthur J. Falcone eponymous real estate group with headquarters in Florida.
PROCEDURE - Stay in force the proceedings for the sale of Rome. The deadline for submission of tenders is Monday. Americans still in the running (favored by the bank) and the group Angelucci, who will present the offer after due diligence, complete with a business plan. Americans should also submit binding offer, which is essential for a listed company. Some sources report that there would be obstacles to overcome and that the advisor Rothschild, who had the mandate to sell the Rome and who was not present at the meeting, has reservations about sustainability, from an economic standpoint, the offer American. Also there is another point on which clarification. The project on which work has been done in these hours in New York, if not amended, stand up to the Roma remains constantly at the top.
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