Veterano della fantascienza britannica, Brian Wilson Aldiss è stato un miracolo di prolificità e talento che per decenni ha scritto romanzi e racconti rischiarati dall'acutezza di un'intelligenza penetrante e impreziositi dal brio narrativo di una penna fantasiosa e avvincente che ha saputo unire divertiento e impegno senza mai venir meno all'uno o all'altro. Né si è limitato all'attività di narratore; la fantascienza ha beneficiato e beneficia della sua non meno importante attività di critico interno al campo e di antologista di valore. Aldiss, che esordì nel 1954, nella seconda metà degli anni '60 fu uno dei principali esponenti della new wave , la corrente letteraria britannica che from the pages of the magazine New Worlds directed by Michael Moorcock worked a profound renewal of style, and content of political science fiction ( 28science_fiction% 29% ).
Many titles of his vast production that would fit in an ideal library.
Endless Journey ( Non-stop, 1956 )
The theme is classic, and was also previously treated masterfully by Robert Heinlein in his Orphans of the Sky ( Universe ). Generation spacecraft and the men inside, which over time forget to be on a vehicle, only to rediscover it and having to change radically their civilization. Aldiss's conclusion will not be the most reassuring ...
Galaxies like grains of sand ( Galaxies like grains of sand, 1960 )
collage-novel, cyclic, consisting of ephemeral stories sometimes and sometimes not at all linked, Galaxies like grains of sand he makes one of the most acute and compelling stories of the future sf.
Descalation ( The wrong response, 1961 )
E 'a novel in some ways very modern; set in Africa in the near future focuses on the comparison and mutual influence between cultures and civilizations.
Lamp sex ( The primal urge, 1961 )
Although today may seem dated in its arguments, the (then) irreverent novel that deals with irony in all seriousness, the concept of sex as an instrument of social control is still relevant today for the levity with which Aldiss studying certain mechanisms of human psychology.
The long afternoon of Earth ( Hothouse, 1961-62)
One of the examples most convincing post-apocalyptic science fiction, set in the distant future Earth devastated by the action of the Sun became a threat and the explosion of vegetation, the novel is the merger of five existing tales. At the first Italian publication received the title of horrifying Leprosy hell.
Barbagrigia ( Greybeard, 1964 )
John Clute The severe category as the best novel of Aldiss, and no doubt this terrible apology / warning to humanity of an old, rendered sterile because of experiments performed badly and ended badly, has a great psychological effect analytical descriptions of this dying breed now heads Canute. As says Clute is however also a heartfelt act of love for man.
My World burned ( Earthworks, 1965 )
It 's a tough political novel in which Aldiss ruthlessly examines an Earth in the near future where more and more political and social inequalities are added to a situation marked by pre-collapse environment. Virtually our present ...
Raintree ( The tree went up, 1966 )
One of the best anthologies of Aldiss, collects a dozen of his short works, including the eponymous who received the Nebula Award, the award bestowed annually by the association of science fiction writers.
intangible Anonima ( Intangibles Inc. and Other Stories, 1970 ) Aldiss
Another excellent anthology gathers some of the stories written years before.
A billion years ( Billion year spree, 1973 )
The most famous historical and critical work of Aldiss, which puts the Frankenstein by Mary Shelley as an act of birth of the science fiction .
released Frankenstein (Frankenstein Unbound , 1973 )
baroque variation on the theme of time travel, this recursive science fiction novel, which portrays the characters of Frankenstein and his creator, is a reflection on science fiction and its genesis, and is among the best books of Aldiss.
cycle Helliconia ( Helliconia spring, 1982; Helliconia summer 1983, winter Helliconia, 1985 )
After a long period during which his mood seemed tarnished, Aldiss produced its cycle stories and most ambitious full-bodied, and one of his most charming and best. Helliconia is a planet where each season lasts thousands of years, resulting in the cyclic succession of cultures and civilizations that develop during these times that seem almost endless and in which virtually no change in environmental conditions.
AI Artificial Intelligence ( Supertoys last all summer long and other stories of future time, 2001 )
This anthology gathers a large full-bodied number of stories, among which are the three that have gone on to compose the core of the eponymous film directed by Steven Spielberg that the "inherited" the death of Stanley Kubrick.
Among the volumes edited by Aldiss as anthologist finally worth reporting at least those that were published by Fanucci in the series Encyclopedia of science fiction.
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