Quell'uomo di multiforme ingegno, Poul Anderson.
Generalmente identificato come autore di hard science fiction , ideologicamente conservatore se non peggio, Anderson è stato in realtà uno scrittore dalla personalità ben più complex and branched, and if in his vast production there are, inevitably hectic and productive, many jobs that do not go beyond the solid professionalism, in his best American writer is a true modern forger of myths (not only) . As Robert Heinlein, too easily and incorrectly labeled as reactionary, Poul Anderson is actually a libertarian who believes in the absolute values \u200b\u200bof individualism, bordering the superomismo. While her best fiction is probably the shortest in the works, where themes and characters larger than life dissolve in more thoughtful reflections (in this sense, I consider the story Sam Hall his best), is no less true that his best science-fiction adventures are able to charm and shine with the sheer force of events narrated in them.
Not a few, then those who think the copious production of fantasy Anderson than his works of sf. The richness of the mythology of his homeland, Denmark, the American author drew not only inspiration, but the aesthetic structure of all his work in pure fantasy, where he learned to shape a genuinely poetic and literary vein more sophisticated and successful.
One of the many books in the series of van Rijn and Falkayn, collects several short stories.
lovers cycles plethora of stories and novels (I confess, not too much) can do their own favorite Anderson. A considerable portion of its production is occupied by two cycles, which are linked, and the League Polesotecnica 's Terran Empire, which respectively stand out in the figures of the merchants Nicholas van Rijn and Falkayn, and the soldier Dominic Flandry to accentuation mark a transition on the expansion and the libertarianism of the League of the Empire era besieged Flandry. In Italy have been published by publishing the North.
The first volume in which was collected, the cycle Flandry, meets the first stories (in chronological order inside)
Other minor cycles (in size), including that of the Time Patrol encircle the two above. And with them by the dozens and dozens of individual novels and stories by Poul Anderson wrote his debut in 1947 forward.
On the shelf should have shown himself more than a few of our volumes.
1000 Quotient ( Brain Wave, 1954 )
One of the best novels of Anderson, who develops a masterly touch and poetic and visionary themes superomistico dear to him, and to conceal and hide the harshness and difficulty of the topic. The "study" that the writer takes on an Earth where men and animals develop un'intelletto scale is carried out with great care and detail of analysis.
The broken sword ( The Broken Sword, 1954 - revised in 1971 )
generally considered the masterpiece of the author, the broken sword is still one of the most read fantasy novels and seminal in Anglo-Saxon world. The rich, fertile material of the Norse mythology which for him is like breast milk, Anderson wrote a novel where the human drama takes on tones mythical and mystical where the size of the elements dell'ultramondano turns heroic and magic, to form an epic modern but antique flavor. A story of raw emotions and strong, deeply human.
Hoka sapiens ( Earthman's Burden, 1957 )
Anderson wrote together with the Canadian writer Gordon R. Dickson stories focused on the bizarre alien civilization of Hoka, Toka funny creatures on the planet whose culture is based on adherence to cultural models of others, from time to time different. The problem is that Tokani do everything in their way. Very, very them. The volume is among the finest examples of humorous fiction. Resta fuori una novella, Complotto napoleonico ( The Napoleon crime ) pubblicata sul volume mondadoriano Millemondi Inverno 1987.
I proteiformi ( The war of two worlds, 1959 )
Romanzo sulla guerra, la paranoia e la manipolazione. Terrestri e marziani si sono massacrati per decenni in una guerra insensata prima che qualcuno sospettasse che tutta la vicenda non è altro che il risultato delle trame di un altro popolo che agisce nell'ombra...
Tre cuori e tre leoni ( Three hearts and three lions, 1961 )
Espansione di una novella omonima del 1953, is one of the most famous novels and beautiful Anderson. Today we can say contamination between fantasy and science fiction, or more precisely science-fantasy. Strictly speaking, the story is part of the science fiction genre of alternative stories about the Nazis, together with that of parallel worlds where magic is real. But the aesthetic structure, narrative and philosophical fantasy that is the most rooted in medieval mythology and recasting them in a modern literature. All this in addition to being a wild adventure, often told with masterly irony.
them land ( Twilight World, 1961 )
In this novel, without doubt one of the better ones in which his writing was able to raise above the pure professionalism, Anderson is able to play often sincere and sympathetic lyricism the story of humanity from nuclear destruction almost zero, but in spite of his misery by a sign that they have the resources to survive. Of course, as the protagonist comes to understand, that humanity will survive - must necessarily be - other humanity. "They" will be the land, and not "we." The novel was born from the merger of three previous novels, of which the first written with FN Waldrop.
They destroyed the Earth ( After Doomsday, 1962 )
How knows of salt The bread of others . E 'discover what the protagonists of this novel, a work less, but far from worthless. Only a few astronauts on a mission at the time of the event, survived the destruction of our planet. Round about the solar system in the solar system, looking for the perpetrators of the destruction of Earth, offering himself as a mercenary, trying to survive and keep alive that little bit 'of human civilization and culture that exists in them. With difficulty.
Tau Zero (zero Tau, 1970 )
Retrieved expansion of a story that appeared Three years earlier, Tau Zero is the most canonical of hard sf novel written by Poul Anderson, and probably his best work in fiction. The spaceship Leonora Christine is generational, Modern Ark carrying a group of men and women to the colonization of other worlds. Deeply based on the paradoxes of relativity and has a solid scientific mission of the ship will become impossible when the novel will turn in the tale of an odyssey in the endless cosmic spaces.
The Vagabond spaces ( The Byworlder, 1971 )
Each man sees what nell'occupante of the ship that he prefers to three years in orbit around our planet. The Alien epitomizes and embodies fears, hopes and dreams of a humanity confused. But outside the symbolism of which are borne by the men he will prove to be more ... Final at the conceptual, but the novel is not undeserving.
Best of Poul Anderson ( The Best of Poul Anderson, 1976 )
The anthology, published in Robot Special No. 8, contains nine short of the most interesting work of Anderson, including goiellino that cyberpunk is ahead of its time Sam Hall.
The Immortals ( The Boat of a Million Years, 1989 )
Long, sometimes sleepy, this magnificent novel in which our author addresses the issue of immortality, however, redeemed by the grandeur of his plant adventurous and successful characterization of many of his characters. Easily recognizable as a work that late, but worth reading.
The Time Patrol ( The Time Patrol, 1991 )
The book contains the cycle of the Time Patrol (or Manse Everard), from the first, fresh and adventurous racconti già più volte apparsi, ai più tardi e un po' sonnacchiosi romanzi. Ciclo che...
... si conclude qui.
Regina dell'aria e della notte ( Queen of air and darkness )
In chiusura, questa antologia che oltre al racconto omonimo ne raccoglie altri quattro non meno titolati (di fatto: i racconti e le novelle di Poul Anderson che hanno ricevuto il premio Hugo).
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