Scrat scrat scrat. Sound of nails frantic trying to cling to the smooth shiny surface, mirrors inaccessible. A thick blanket of fog to hide the accomplished climbers.
E 'is now an old story: weeks ago, someone compared the Urania n.1561 file containing a translation of a novel Hugo Award of Vernor Vinge with the original edition of the work and published the news, a very simple fact, as seen. For years on the Internet happens. At this point the players have resented and did this: for years on the Internet happens too. Thus, as a result of what has been learned through official (i is said, everyone knows that the , I remember, do not count a bat) not all translations are integral to Urania, Some are heavily cut and the deduction can reach even 15% the total length of the work.
A fact which is also very simple, trivial if we want. Clearly, it is regrettable that it had never been declared an editorial policy that closed years ago was given to new practices. It 'unfortunate to have been plucked, of course. But for years on the Internet sooner or later things risanno, you should be aware.
's past Urania *
How natural it was, followed the apology by those responsible for readers head and the editor and the assurance that if grounds of editorial policy have made it even necessary in the future the practice players were warned they would be on the cover, and perhaps, more correctly, would have an editorial inside explained the reasons and nature of cuts. Linear and predictable, Monsieur de La Palice blesses and welcomes from the sky. The most dignified way to close the affair, no? No. Now wake up from the dream.
E 'was at this point that the perpetrators of the head began their ascent of K2 to the glass wall and an army of workers to complement the work has been variously deployed to defend compact emitting fog and messed up the waters because the crux of the matter was confused by a thousand other claims.
So we are at this point. And the point is that the cuts had been practiced on the sly without giving any information: the they say, everyone knows that the , I put it again, do not count a sledgehammer. That something is giving itself risappia elbow between the friends of friends just makes it dirty when such a thing comes out. That the node (the figure of crap produced by a very inelegant and unspoken practice) and he is well aware of this and who should be, it perfectly clear the furious reaction of the vertices that Uranian Blog of the magazine are forced to say that the request to report any issues they would like to impose non-integral a fanciful, anti-professional and, ultimately, anti-false seal quality that only the mind could conceive of a fanatic. Ohibò. So communicate a fact, namely that it is presenting an issue that does not reproduce in full the original work, it would be an act of lying. The war, in short, is peace, we are made known. Inform buyers of what they are buying and the work is anti-professional. War is peace, they said. Needless to say the obvious demand for commercial information is configured as unrealistic and is also an evidence of bigotry. La guerra… ma l’ho già detto.
Restiamo al punto, allora. I tagli in sé non rappresentano una questione essenziale (anche se non è irrilevante: ci torno più oltre). La politica editoriale e i motivi che la dettano, economici o altri, sono esclusivi cazzi dei vertici aziendali e dei responsabili della testata. Se vogliono prendere un libro e pubblicarne la traduzione di una parola su due è nel loro pieno diritto, e le questioni contrattuali in materia sono affari che riguardano loro e l’autore.
L’acquisto invece è cazzi del lettore. Cazzi miei.
Se acquisto un libro tradotto, ciò che mi aspetto è che esso rappresenti la traduzione fedele dell’opera originale. Ciò che di norma accade (o dovrebbe accadere). Dove fedele non vuol dire letterale, parola per parola: questo è talmente scontato che solo chi ciurli nel manico con intenzione potrebbe artatamente equiparare l’opera di traduzione a quella di taglio e/o condensazione (e anche all’editing pregresso o agli interventi in modifica dell’autore stesso da un’edizione a un’altra, specie in riferimento a opere vecchie di decenni). Se qualcuno mai vi dovesse venire a dire una cosa del genere sapete subito di avere a che fare con un furbone che vuole intorbidare le acque e prendervi per i fondelli. True means that the translator has been mandated to take into account overall work and translates it accordingly - the specific edition of the work that has been delivered for translation (if there are multiple editions of a work because the author has expanded or altered, which report is translated does not seem so difficult a thing to be done by the publisher). It translates so doing, according to their specific skills, adaptation to another language depending on the characteristics of this language. Adaptation of the work: of all the work.
This Urania *
E 'in these terms that a translation is to be understood as a faithful, except for clerical errors of translation. It is in these terms, if not specified otherwise, the reader acquires the Italian translation of foreign work. Partial translations for which there may be more varied and worthy reasons: school editions, for boys; supereconomiche; selection of Reader's Digest. Just point it out in the clearest possible way possible: on the cover is ideal. And 'in fact common practice because it enables us to recognize what you are buying (Also selling). And 'the banal minimum standards of professionalism and decency. But the war ... Exactly.
all here: to give the reader the information upon which to make the purchase. If the reader wants a faithful translation will not buy a condensed translation, if for any reason, is a good purchase the condensed translation.
So if someone tries to throw her racket in time because there would be no "real" translations faithful and then complain that, say that clump in the handle, because it is so. If someone tells you that it is better to have one on Urania condensed translation no translations, say that clump in the handle, because it is so. If a ripe fruit falls from the pear with the idea that 15% of cuts is nothing (in my house is more than a page every week, but perhaps a review of mathematics is unrealistic, even a little 'fanatics) tell him that clump in the handle, because it is so. If the guy you ammischia with the fact that Uranus is cheap, and then what they were going, tell him that clump in the handle, because it is so. If a guy makes you pleasant to note that the author does not care about nothing cuts so why should damn fool you, tell him that clump in the handle, because it è. Se un’anima bella vuol darvi a bere che quell’autore così prolisso è tanto migliore una volta asciugato in sede di traduzione e quindi vi è stato fatto un favore a tagliarlo, ditegli che ciurla nel manico, perché così è e nel modo più plateale e paraculesco: di tutte le stronzate possibili è la più divertente. Non perché abbia necessariamente torto, magari è davvero così. Ma lascialo giudicare, o decidere di non giudicare, a me. Tu (tu editore) limitati a dirmi se hai tradotto tutto o meno in modo che io sappia cosa sto leggendo (ma soprattutto cosa compro). Se insomma qualcuno svicola dalla questione fondamentale, che è quella della mancata informazione al lettore del dato su cui base the purchase, say that clump in the handle. Why it is so. It knows it. At least 85%.
The future of uranium? *
The editorial policy is business editor and curator of the head as I wrote, and therefore not within the substance: the editor of Urania rightly do not care a tube of science fiction and how it is presented and widespread in Italy, this is the readers' interest if ever. The impact, however, come to the reader and raise questions. The practice of cutting very large sections of the novel clearly affects reading (or decision not to read it). Because beyond the fact that the publisher does not care a fig about what the public but I believe that no reasonable reader think that novels are cut for fun, this leads to some considerations. Assume for convenience (and maybe even love of our country ...) as a true and only reason why the economic cuts Urania can not afford the publication of volumes that exceed a certain amount, on the other not so skimpy. The question is now spontaneous Urania (the mother's head) publishes around ten volumes foreigners a year, compared to a lot of material that is published every year negli Stati Uniti, in Gran Bretagna, Canada, Australia. Per tacere del resto del mondo e dei volumi che si accumulano di anno in anno. E’ proprio impossibile trovare una decina di buoni volumi più o meno della lunghezza ideale per essere pubblicati senza tagli? E’ chiaro che rinunciare all’ultimo premio Hugo perché è troppo lungo può bruciare a chi cura la testata, però magari un paio dei finalisti del Nebula avevano proprio la lunghezza giusta.
Ma ho divagato anche io. Concludiamo al punto. E’ nel diritto di un editore pubblicare come cazzo gli pare i romanzi dei quali acquista i diritti; anche tagliandoli a metà se vuole. Però per correttezza tell when they cut (do not tell me anything, I'm already laughing just from the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving relied on the accuracy of company to customers). Moreover, it seems, apart from four Caton virtually no interest to anyone if the novels are cut or not, right? So can not really be that this warning is not called because you never saw that if you say things clearly instead everyone knows that things are going well readers - pardon the customers, we keep the distances - could even begin to think .
* Locate zero the small differences between the images presented
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