When the Old Master was the freedom we sent for him and said, "You are free, we do not have anything to do with you. Go away. " We watched him and the old lady did not speak. "Go away - I repeat - no longer belong, you're free." We went there, but we had nowhere to go and nothing to eat. They were terrible years. Many of us died. Each time we returned from the Old Master, he told us: "Go on. You are free. You have to look after yourself now. You are free. "
Unfortunately I can not find the source of this fable, attributed to a former slave freed as a result of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution United States, I could not even say if not entirely apocryphal. The question is, however minor, what is most interesting is how the fable perfectly describes the devastating psychological effects of slavery. What has this to do with science fiction? Here, we say that the sad affair of the cuts to the novels published in Urania of which I wrote in my previous post has pointed out something very similar among the readers of science fiction. Not everyone, for heaven's sake (and luckily), but still too many: that at least one more than anyone.
Players who do not seem particularly unhappy about the "funny" political Uranian praticata alla chetichella. Se fossimo nel film di Frank Darabont Le ali della libertà ( The Shawshank redempion , 1994) Red, interpretato da Morgan Freeman ( nomen omen ) potrebbe dirci che questi lettori sono ormai “istituzionalizzati” – sono cioè stati psicologicamente plasmati dalla situazione che hanno vissuto (nel nostro caso l’imprinting uraniano fortissimo di tanti lettori). Che è poi esattamente la situazione psicologica che ebbero ad affrontare gli schiavi dell’apologo, che si ritrovarono improvvisamente emancipati, scoprendo che erano sì liberi, ma che proprio per questo non c’era più qualcuno che gli passasse un pasto (magari anche magro, magari anche schifoso) e un tetto (magari anche cadente). Qualcuno che pensava e si preoccupava al loro posto. Magari li bastonava, è ovvio, però intanto… però intanto li sollevava dalla responsabilità. Quegli schiavi scoprirono che la libertà ha un prezzo. Che la libertà comporta responsabilità; la necessità di pensare a sé stessi, a come procurarsi il cibo e il luogo ove poter vivere. Forse furono in molti, soprattutto i primi tempi, a pensare che in fondo il prezzo della propria dignità e libertà non fosse troppo iniquo in cambio di un pasto sicuro (ancorché magro e schifoso) e di un tetto certo (ancorché pericolante e un po’ insalubre). Quegli schiavi dovettero ricostruire la propria soul, their personality. They had to eradicate the slavery that was inside their heads.
But I would not take it too far with the metaphor, or bigger than what it is and deserves. The fact is, however, that by more than one commentator have read things frankly disheartening to adhere to the psychological subjection and passive acceptance of any practice offensive to readers (which would also be the guys who pay them the volumes of Urania, eh). Things also imaginative. That is to adhere to the practice of cutting gives you deep into their intellectual resources.
Meanwhile, it seems, Urania as it is cheap then it is understandable that cutting through the novels, if they make you pay a little at the bottom you can not even pretend that those books are decent (remember? a meal, maybe even disgusting ... a roof, maybe even shooting). Then, as the cuts are not "structural" (to the face, every hundred pages if they are out of fifteen, more than one every seven!) I almost have to thank the editorial staff because we do not read the length of many writers unable to write . That maybe they are really unable to write, but I want to be judging things without which you think someone else in my place. But it is wonderful that you think Mother Urania (remember? Take responsibility is hard, the owner will whip also, however, thinks for you: as you, feeds you, your real fear is that we are angry because they break my balls). And finally, better shut up and still have power - cut - some novels, because at least Urania takes them to Italy. Tap the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing required to be treated by readers - and customers - aware, is not exactly what instead. Once again it is the psychology of slavery to take root: the servant - a servant in the head - is content with what the owner's passing. In another metaphor, we could say that this would apply to the sf Gresham's Law: bad money drives out good money . In Thus, the supply of Urania it never gets better.
All we need is to sign the statement of the liquidator to report to the effect that those translations which were not integral would qualify as an unrealistic, anti-professional and, ultimately, anti-false seal quality only the mind could conceive of a fanatic . It is clear that Uranus is in full rights to publish novels also cut the half, but the integrity of data is a key criterion for deciding to purchase or not. Type: a novel less 15% of its content I do not think it's worth the purchase on the ground that cost little, since it is not the work originally published as far as I'm concerned its value is zero. My assessment, it is clear, but it is my right to be able to do on the basis of the information that the publisher gives of what it offers for sale. That the publisher has to give. Report when the work is not complete listing of professionalism that is the minimum we should expect from (and you should ask) a publisher. The minimum, not maximum.
In short, you're really happy to be slaves? Do not think that the "comfortable" slavery does not have a price, though.
Riguardatevi Vaal requires that the price in a memorable episode of Star Trek (the first TD, the one with Jim Kirk and Spock): The Apple .
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